Sindang Barang Culture Village

Sindang Barang Culture Village is located 9 kms away from Zest Hotel Bogor and can be reach by driving via Jalan Kapten Yusuf for about 30 minutes or more, depends on the current traffic.

Sindang Barang Culture Village operational hours:

Opens daily 7am - 5pm

Sindang Barang Culture Village entrance ticket fee*:

Starts from IDR 55,000 per person (minimum 40 persons)

Sindang Barang culture village is one of a popular cultural tourism in Bogor. Visitors can see the Sundanese Village in a nuance of ancient era, watch the daily life of Sundanese society and witness Sundanese art and culture.

Besides art and culture, visitors can learn more about the history of this village, because there is a historical site from Padjajaran kingdom era, a worship place from megalith. If you are lucky enough, you can watch a traditional ceremony "Seren Taun" which held once in a year as an expression of gratitude to God for the harvest and crops gained in a past year and to pray for a better result in next year.

*Prices are subject to change

Sindang Barang Culture Village
Zest BogorSindang Barang Culture Village
Zest BogorSindang Barang Culture Village
Zest Bogor