Wana Tirta Mangrove Jogja

Wana Tirta Mangrove is located in Kulon Progo and about 1 hour 20 minutes from Zest Hotel Yogyakarta by driving via Jalan Raya Sawahan, depends on the current traffic.

Wana Tirta Mangrove entrance ticket price*:
IDR 3,000 per person
Motorcycle IDR 2,000
Car IDR 5,000
Bus and truck IDR 10,000
Boat tour IDR 10,000 per person
Canoe (up to 3 persons) IDR 25,000 per hour

Wana Tirta Mangrove is one of a brand new favorite tourist place in Yogyakarta or more precisely in Pasirmendit, Kulon Progo. Firstly, this famous mangrove was created to preserve the natures, but sooner or later many of visitors enjoying the mangrove as a tourist.

For photo spots, there are Siapi-api bridge or bamboo bridge, swing, gazebo and other spot that already beautify by flowers ornament. Besides enjoying the mangroves view, visitors can hop in the boat for a tour around mangroves and canoeing, all with additional charge and completed with safety equipments.

If you interested on how to preserve the shore ecosystems by planting mangroves, you can also learn here.

The facilities provided at Wana Tirta Mangrove are toilet, canteen, prayer room and parking space.

Wana Tirta Mangrove Jogja
Zest YogyakartaWana Tirta Mangrove Jogja
Zest Yogyakarta